Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Big Brother Brasil - Liane pede para ficar - BBB7

i totally dont get whats going on there.

the situation destroys my picture about the beautiful brasil girls,

i want to say here in america our congress does tend to be over protective and go overboard on censorship. This is bad, however this country has taken many great steps in overcoming racism. Even though we elected a black President we still hav a great deal of work ahead of us to eradicate prejudice (if ever) or at least reduce it. But at least we are trying. I don't know Brazil and won't pretend too but we are all human living on one planet. We need to find a way to get along!!!

Wow, i was saying thing about american tv. Nothings going to happen if you just put it on tv. Start with commecials and move up. show asian & indians, latinos, etc. Also, mixed families & gay/les. Sexual material like astrglide just started showing with viagra stuff. Which tells me..why not go to more reality & realism in society. Primetime tv next. Just do it

man... leave brazilians alone?we're not asking if you like or if you don't like, just shut your mouth and leave us alone man... what do you think about brazil?so now you think your country is better than brazil?man, shut the hell up and just dont watch brazilian videos.

well, we have plenty of brazilians here in my country complaining about laws and discrimination in country already over came that stuff so YES it's better....and you know Im telling the truth, I ve lived in brazil people, they are nice but whites have this attitude of supriority against other races the funny thing is that whites are minorities in eat your face biyatch!!!

thank you..and plus if you ask them they don't ever admit it.. they talk about americans crazy racist and how Brazilians are "Color blind" that is stragiht up BS..we have a black president...they don't even have black senetors, their whole politic system is full of white people, TV..I have never seen a black miss brazil, ..if you didn't know, white are minorities in Brazil, that s not fair at all!!!

any migration which took place before 30'000bc (the Caucasus Ice Age) would consist of Black peoples.. Melanin is a natural adaption to sunlight.. Before 30'000bc europe was a Hot place for at least 20'000 years and the Migration out of africa took place around that time which indicates that people of Dark Hue entered europe and then shed there melanin with the Ice age... Polar bears a prime example of this form of genetic mutation/adaption.. You cannot twist science mate (im white myself)

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