Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Big Brother 8 USA - Dick Nude

BB its such a stupid and underhuman thing that theres no words to describe all that mediocrity and all that ignorance and stupid exposing...people with no self respect and no self love and nothing...just empty brains and stupid its just the end of humans...what a silly and stupid thing to watch
Even so late, let me the smart one...BB10 ? well, here, in the land of no smarts ones, we just had 4 and each one have less audience than the other...there are really things that doesn´t mean nothing and are just BB...Cheers for you Adam
If you watched the show you'd see that Dick does wear underwear, maybe he forgot to bring it in the shower room with him lol...- Dick rocks man!!! .......and Im not sure i beleieve the reason as to why he didnt talk to Daniele a while...I dont think he'd do that.-

NUDITY! lol, this wasn't shown on tv was it? American big brother censors EVERYTHING. theres no way they would have shown that. They're such prudes. In Canada, thats the only Big Brother we can see, the US one. I'd much rather watch BB Australia or UK, where they show nudity. LOL

What's even more disgusting is that he's putting on jeans that he's already worn, (sans under wear.) Check out the chains already attached. He puts on gross old skanky jeans that probably already have skid marks since he doesn't wear undies. No wonder Dani didn't talk to him for 5 years, He's so gross! All that spitting on the astro turf in the back yard too. YUK! What a scrode.

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