Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Big Brother Israel 3 - Li Oz Stand Up comic genius leaves show for better world - לי עוז האח הגדול 3

Amir and Nofar swallow the awkward pill of watching themselves fall apart on tv while breaking nuts
Funny Li Oz and Sexy Sivan are on pins and needles at final announcement
Lihi and Nofar arc enemies eat ice and try to break it through words but alas even ice picks can break
Amir searches for grace in the eyes of Lihi as he tries to dissolve his embarrassment on tv
Nofar takes exception to her wanna be lover professing his love on national tv before telling her
Jackie surprised by Frida's perfect answering score are Don't Drop the Million
Nofar unable to escape the clash of Lihi on her salty shoulders

Li OZ the comic backbone of the late twenty somethings is out of the big brother israel house and on the conveyor belt of post big brother show press appearances to the tune of If I Had A Milion Shekels. The grunge looking comic has been toiling his material in the dusty cupboards of the big brother israel set and has witheld the unleashing of his satire until he gets to the crusty floorboards of sweaty pub laquered contexts.

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